Fig 13. Animals naturally maintain good postural balance.
There are so many things we are doing wrong, it is unlikely that we will see substantial improvement in our collective posture in the near future. It is more likely that we will have to struggle and come to terms with this problem over the next three or four generations. Yet in the mean time it is very important that we get involved and get our SCHOOLS involved in ensuring that children in the age group 0–10 at least have every opportunity to grow up with good posture. Chiefly let us say Yes to the following:
All dress to be suspended from the shoulders. Shorts and trousers to be worn without elastic.
Use of footwear, which allow the feet to move precisely as they do when we walk bare-footed. When possible, children can be encouraged to remove their footwear. (Modern shoes are too confining: using space age materials it should be possible to make ultra light and flexible shoes which do not inhibit the bones and muscles in the feet in any way).
Chairs (benches preferably) as in Fig 8b. Children can also be encouraged to squat on the floor. (This was my opinion in 2002, now in 2008 I feel, it is very important to have a school environment where children sit cross-legged, yoga style, as has always been the tradition in the East)Less pressure of studies on young children, so they can remain in Present Space most of the time. Encourage learning by play and observation
Dear friends, just as in learning how to swim, the only way to correct your posture is to jump into the water. Best of luck.
I would value your feedback. Please contact me at:sraj99@gmail.com
Home: www.humanposture.blogspot.com

Fig 13. Animals naturally maintain good postural balance.
There are so many things we are doing wrong, it is unlikely that we will see substantial improvement in our collective posture in the near future. It is more likely that we will have to struggle and come to terms with this problem over the next three or four generations. Yet in the mean time it is very important that we get involved and get our SCHOOLS involved in ensuring that children in the age group 0–10 at least have every opportunity to grow up with good posture. Chiefly let us say Yes to the following:
All dress to be suspended from the shoulders. Shorts and trousers to be worn without elastic.
Use of footwear, which allow the feet to move precisely as they do when we walk bare-footed. When possible, children can be encouraged to remove their footwear. (Modern shoes are too confining: using space age materials it should be possible to make ultra light and flexible shoes which do not inhibit the bones and muscles in the feet in any way).
Chairs (benches preferably) as in Fig 8b. Children can also be encouraged to squat on the floor. (This was my opinion in 2002, now in 2008 I feel, it is very important to have a school environment where children sit cross-legged, yoga style, as has always been the tradition in the East)Less pressure of studies on young children, so they can remain in Present Space most of the time. Encourage learning by play and observation
Dear friends, just as in learning how to swim, the only way to correct your posture is to jump into the water. Best of luck.
I would value your feedback. Please contact me at:sraj99@gmail.com
Home: www.humanposture.blogspot.com